Standard commercial and industrial installation costs for underground service are computed on the basis of $8.00 per foot of trench required for underground primary distribution installation, plus a $6.50 per foot cost for the trench required for the service lateral.
Residential installation costs for underground service are compiled on the basis of $4.50 per foot of trench required for underground service installation.
Existing rules issued by the Michigan Public Service Commission require that distribution facilities in all new residential subdivisions and existing residential subdivisions in which electric distribution facilities have not already been constructed, shall be placed underground. A developer or owner must grade the easement to finished grade and clear the easement of trees, large stumps and other obstructions sufficiently to allow trenching equipment to operate. Other owner responsibility criteria’s involve the placement of survey stakes to identify easements, lot lines and finished grades. Winter construction and Mobile Home Parks have specific and separate criteria, which can be identified by calling Alpena Power Company. Distribution facilities in new mobile home parks shall be placed underground. Extension from existing overhead systems in mobile home parks shall be placed underground at the option of the park owner. Standard installation costs for all new residential underground service can be determined by calling the Engineering Department at 989.358.4955. We will be happy to schedule you with the necessary staff to begin this process.